Website Traffic Information

Website traffic information is only collected by the hosting service provider, and your internet service provider. Yorkie Magazine website does not store, or collect any other personal information through visiting its pages. There is no certain criteria stored about you as a website user, in general.

Collection Of Information

When using this website, or any website on the internet, it's required by law to store certain information such as IP, and device type, while this information is stored on a server by the hosting service provider, as well as your own internet service provider during the time you visit this website.

This goes for every single time you visit this website, and every page.

Third Party Links & Websites

This website may lead to other websites. This website is not responsible for those website's policies, or use of.

Sharing Of Personal Information

There is no sharing of personal information through this website, except to submit your photos to a third-party site upload form where your information is shared through the form, and the use of that website's database to upload photos, along with contact information. This is well known, and safe, so, you may continue to proceed.


  • theyorkiemagazine@gmail.com